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BayIND Alumni Mentoring

The kick-off event for our BayIND Alumni Mentoring Programme took place in Hof from 3-5 May.

Beginning of the year, our BayIND Alumni could apply either as a mentor or a mentee and BayIND matched ten pairs for a 6-months mentoring journey.

During the "How to be a mentor"-Workshop by Eric Fritzsche, our mentors learned the main skills to guide their mentees through this process. They got to know the qualities of a great mentor, discussed about the differences between leadership and mentoring, and evaluated the different roles of mentor and mentee.

Our mentees had the opportunity to reflect on their career path during a Lego Serious Play Workshop by Anja Nigl. Using Lego bricks, they built models of their future career as well as their personality and gained interesting insights about their mindset and visions.

As a networking and teambuilding activity we reached new hights in the climbing park, where all participants could challenge themselves and have lots of fun together.

BayIND wants to thank our Alumni for their commitment and passion about sharing their knowledge and expertise and their readiness to support each other.