Hof University Masters Trial pharmIn2 online learning and training platform
The master’s students of “Sustainable Water Management and Engineering” at Hof University of Applied Sciences are currently undertaking a test run of the online learning and training platform developed in the pharmIn2 project funded by Federal ministry for the Environment,nature conservation, nuclear safety and consumer protection (BMUV). The platform was introduced as part of the lecture for the students in the subjects 'International Water Resource Management' and 'Advanced Water Treatment'. It provides information on the background and objective of the project pharmIn2, the chemistry behind the technology as well as rules and regulations related to wastewater discharge in India. The platform also includes technical chapters focused on industries, which provide detailed information on the technology, the equipment involved and its special features. Based on the suggestions and feedback received from the students, modifications and additions will be made to the platform. The platform is scheduled for launch at the beginning of June for Indian universities and industries.